전체 글(32)
Formatere Ekstern Harddisk For Mac
Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions. Select your Mac OS X volume. Highlight the drive, select Partition Tab, then Format type. In this guide we're using exFAT instead of FAT32, another filesystem that both Windows and Mac can read and write to, because FAT32 has a maximum 4GB file size limit whereas exFAT ..
2020.02.09 -
Pivot Table For Mac
I imagine this must have been asked and answered before, but I couldn't seem to find an answer to this exact scenario, and I'm hoping someone else can point me to one. I'm on Mac using Excel 2011. This means I don't have 'slicers', which is all my Googling kept turning up. I have a pivot table with 4 different value columns, and I want to be able to filter it the same way you would a normal tabl..